The Violin Connection (TVC)


“Finding Expression, Enjoyment, & Entertainment Through Music”


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For violin lessons &/or violin music (Church, weddings, funerals, special events, etc.),

call 209-475-1561 or email



Hear Samples of Mr. J Playing Violin!
*NOTE: Please be patient - the audio files may take a few minutes to download.

Files are in .wma format and meant to run in Windows Media Player.



Hi there!!  =)  My name is Jerry Pajel (known to my students also as "Mr. J").  I am a violin teacher who absolutely LOVES making great music with the violin and helping others to do the same.  I own and operate The Violin Connection (TVC), which offers affordable (FREE for qualifying individuals!) private violin lessons to people of all ages & experience levels.  Lessons are specially crafted & customized for each student as I draw from multiple instructional techniques that include (but are not limited to) both Suzuki & traditional teaching methods, focused ear training development, technical exercises, performance, improvisation, workbooks, and computer & internet utilization.  


Music Styles Taught (Include But Are NOT Limited To):    

- Classical (pre-requisite to other styles)

- Improvisation (including "Nuttin' But Stringz" as seen on America's Got Talent)

- Christian Worship Band

- Irish/Celtic/fiddle

- And MORE!

>>>>Click HERE for samples





I started playing the violin at the age of 5.  I wish I could say that my intentions were noble; but the truth is that, at the time, all I really wanted to do was poke other kids with the violin bow - in addition to "playing swords" (hey....give me a break...I was five years old!). 


As time went on and I began to take my lessons more seriously, I fell in love with the violin.  I loved playing for churches, weddings, funerals, parties, retirement homes, luncheons, community special events, and so on (I still do!).  But that wasn't enough.  Having performed extensively (i.e. New York's Carnegie Hall, then later appearing as the featured guest artist with The Stockton Symphony, also playing for the J.S. Bach festival, etc.) helped make me realize that I desire more than just to play the violin.  I want to help others do it, too.  I then started teaching private violin lessons in 1998. 


In 2000, I began to explore violin performance that went beyond my classical & traditional training.  Now, I also play & teach non-traditional violin (improvisation, Irish/Celtic/fiddle, worship band, and so forth).  I never cease to be amazed at how the violin can be performed with virtually every music style - including R&B, rap (yes, I have actually played violin with a rap artist...WOW that was something else!), heavy-metal, rock, hip-hop, acoustic, contemporary Christian worship (this is my favorite!)....the list just goes on and on! 





But out of all that, my greatest passion with the violin is to teach others.  I have found it to be one of the most thrilling endeavors to transfer the knowledge, skill, artistry, expression, & joy of the violin to other people.  If you or anybody you know is interested in learning (&/or furthering skills in) violin, know that I am here for you!


Please keep in mind that no matter what your age or experience level may be, I can work with you.  Do NOT let age or experience level stop you!


If you think age is an issue, you should know that the youngest student I've worked with was just out of preschool; while the oldest was well over fifty - both were complete beginners with no violin or music background whatsoever.  Age is NOT a problem! 


And in terms of experience, the most advanced and experienced student I've taught came to me as a violin teacher wanting to improve her skills.  Experience level is NOT a problem either!


I also have had students come to me, who stopped taking violin lessons from other instructors (even with a doctoral degree in music!!).  Why?  Because their teaching methods were making these people want to quit the violin.  It just wasn't fun anymore.  That's TERRIBLE!  The unfortunate truth is that many violin teachers are not able to impart the pure JOY of violin to their students.  That's UNACCEPTABLE.  I make it a point to do everything I can to make the learning & violin music experience as enjoyable & fulfilling as possible. 


When I hear about or see violinists who take away the pure JOY of music and violin expression, this (below) is the face I make...





The violin is NOT just about learning music theory &/or acquiring performance skills.  It is about cultivating the heart, mindset, and lifestyle of a truly COMPLETE violin musician. 


Finding expression, enjoyment, & entertainment through music is what all great violinists do..... and it's what I want my students to do!


Ok, so that's a bit about me.  =)  


If you want to know any more or have any questions, just give me a call at 209-475-1561 or shoot me an email at  =-)






And as for those of you who are my current students, here are some things to always keep in mind in order to maximize your potential for success...


-    You must commit to uninterrupted correct practice for a minimum ten (10) to fifteen (15) minutes a day five (5) days a week, (or practice 1 hour a week minimum in a very concentrated & correct fashion).

-    You must communicate to me your thoughts, feelings, struggles, desires, experiences, etc. so I know how to customize the lessons for your benefit (call 209-475-1561 or email

-    You must study the material I hand out &/or assign you to buy (notes, CD’s, music, books, etc.).

-     Bring an “assignment book/binder” to your lessons in which I may write and place assignments.  

-     Make sure to listen (a lot!) to the CD’s I give and/or assign you to buy.

-     I don’t give “grades” but I assume you want to excel so come to your lessons prepared.

-     Feel free to do more than I assign for you to do and only stop if/when I tell you to stop.         

-    You must take responsibility for practicing and studying while I take responsibility for teaching.

-    You must understand and abide by the fundamental premise/philosophy by which I teach violin: Finding expression, enjoyment, & entertainment through music is what all great violinists ultimately do.




Remember...if you are the parent(s)/guardian(s) of a violin student who is under 18, your active supervision is expected.


Violin lesson GIFT CERTIFICATES are available if you ever want to “buy lesson time” as a gift for any other person(s).



Whether you are one of my current students or not, I look forward to hearing from you - better yet, actually seeing you in person!  Take care & God bless!!  =)








Jerry Pajel (Mr. J)

Violinist - Teacher, Performer, & Entertainer








*NOTE: Violin lesson locations vary depending on

individual student needs and desires.

Scheduling is extremely FLEXIBLE but time slots

are given on a first-come-first-serve basis. 





Hear Samples of Mr. J Playing Violin!

*NOTE: Please be patient - the audio files may take a few minutes to download.

Files are in .wma format and meant to run in Windows Media Player.







“Finding Expression, Enjoyment, & Entertainment Through Music”



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Why Choose The Violin Connection?Hear Samples of Mr. J Playing Violin!


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